Oakbridge Educational Collaborative offers support in designing and implementing a customized literacy program grounded in culturally responsive practices uniquely aligned to your students. Consultants collaborate with teachers and administrators, taking the time to go into classrooms, work with students, and understand strengths and areas for growth that inform which pedagogical practices and resources best support the specific goals of the school. We strive to support either the current curriculum utilized with supplemental resources and/or instructional strategies, or revamp the curriculum with systematic planning to ensure a completely custom literacy program. We offer collaborative planning days throughout the year that are leveraged to map out thematic units, select resources, and provide time and support with securing the necessary resources for implementation. These planning days are supplemented with on-site coaching to ensure accountability, as well as resource and instructional support. We have seen success through these customized approaches, employing rich, authentic texts as the foundation for our culturally responsive pedagogical structure for literacy. Contact us to learn how we can provide a customized approach for your school.

The coaching model employed utilizes a blend of instructional and reflective coaching that allows educators to establish personal and professional learning goals, supported through collaboratively designed coaching cycles that encourage educators to work towards their goals in manageable steps. Individual coaching begins with an introductory meeting to establish the teacher's ambitions, build a rapport, and review the coaching process. Subsequent sessions will include observations, co-teaching, demonstration lessons, planning sessions, classroom organization and management support, and reflective meetings for debriefing. Each session is uniquely designed and determined collaboratively between the coach and the educator for personalized, effective support.

Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
Coaches support administrators and teachers in establishing a culture of generative knowledge sharing and community. We work with educators to build an environment of trust, respect, and reciprocity that upholds the tenets of lifelong learning. We believe that educators benefit from peer collaboration, and promote opportunities for teachers to observe one another and learn from each other. Coaches help to bring this concept into place as common practice, and help schools establish professional learning communities, facilitate the use of Pineapple Charts, and develop routines and protocols for the structuring and outcomes of these PLCs.

Professional Development
Professional development needs to be purposeful, aligned to educator and school/district needs, and produce tangible outcomes that teachers can subsequently employ in their classrooms. Research reveals that ongoing professional development support, consistently implemented throughout the duration of the academic year, most leverages educator buy-in, implementation, and efficacy (Duzor, 2011; Karagiorgi et al., 2008; Moss, 2008; Strahan & Hedt, 2009; Thornton & Cherrington, 2014; Williams, 2007; Yeo et al., 2008). We work with educators and leaders to craft personalized, interactive professional development for both whole group and individualized needs. Subsequent sessions are planned to operationalize professional development objectives that transform ideas into action. Professional development sessions are designed to facilitate efficacy, not overwhelm educators with information. We strive to make professional learning manageable, meaningful, and reproducible, as educators share their experiences with colleagues.

As-needed Educator Support
Every educator is unique, much like our students. Schools are comprised of educators with varying backgrounds, experiences, and strengths. Perhaps whole school professional development is not what is needed, but rather differentiated support to help teachers transition to a new role, or become acclimated within a new school. As-needed educator support provides coaching for new coaches, curriculum support providers, teachers, and administrators. Support services range from classroom organization and management, to lesson planning, to curriculum trajectories, to pedagogy. Here at Oakbridge, we endeavour to support educators to elevate their practice, feel confident, and recognize that they have a support system to rely on when needed. We aim to support teacher retention by helping teachers feel successful, supported, and appreciated for their craft.