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Oakbridge Educational Collaborative is founded on the principle that education is continuously evolving, and educators must work together to effect change in our classrooms. Educators' voices deserve to be recognized and supported; we are here to listen and establish support systems that encourage teachers to challenge themselves, establish meaningful relationships with students, and inspire life-long learning. 

Dr. Rachael Helfrick, EdD
Senior Consultant

Rachael has a genuine passion for education, and values the integral roles of students and teachers. She was an elementary educator for ten years before transitioning into the role of an instructional coach. She is commencing her seventh year as a coach/consultant, and has supported schools across the country. She is presently focusing her work within the Tucson region. Rachael earned her doctoral degree in curriculum, teaching, learning, and leadership from Northeastern University in Boston. Her work is student-driven, inspired by culturally responsive pedagogy and varied learning styles. Her aim is to leverage student growth through supporting professional practice. Rachael strives to listen to teachers' goals, serving as a thought partner to understand their hopes and purpose for coaching, thus providing individualized, professional support that rejuvenates excitement for teaching and learning. 

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Research-Based Consulting

Oakbridge Educational Collaborative employs proven, research-based practices to support educators in their ongoing professional development. The balanced literacy, workshop model supports educators in providing a balance of direct and differentiated instruction that allows educators to meet students' unique needs. Fountas and Pinnell's research on literacy and assessment grounds the balanced literacy structure supported by Oakbridge, with supplements provided to meet districts' specific needs and learning goals. Research-based literacy practices used to bolster instruction during whole group and small group lessons are derived from esteemed researchers such as Irene Fountas, Gay Su Pinnell, Thomas Gunning, Doug Lemov, Jennifer Serravallo, Christopher Lehman, and Kate Roberts. Practices include planning for whole group instruction, close reading for analyzing complex texts, small group reading, and standards-based tasks and assessments to facilitate student learning. Progress is measured through student-data to ensure that all learning objectives are being met, while simultaneously reinforcing that students are the core of education. All research-based practices are delivered and supported through the lens of culturally responsive pedagogy, as upheld through the tenets of seminal scholars Gloria Ladson-Billings, Lisa Delpit, Zaretta Hammond, and Geneva Gay. The core belief of our work maintains that a salient role of today's schools is to promote a more equitable and just society that upholds diversity as worthy of affirmation, thereby honoring students' strengths and leveraging them to promote learning. 

© 2019 by Oakbridge Educational Collaborative, LLC

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